TCC Children’s Ministry
Nursery-6th Grade Classes - Each Sunday morning.
We love children and desire to share the reality of Christ with them each week!
The Bible tells the story of God, as it reveals who He is from cover to cover.
Each week, we gather to explore His Word together and invite our children to enter into it.
Nursery begins check-in around 9:55am.
PreK to 6th grade classes begin after our Worship in Song. During the break, parents take children to class. Children are always welcome to remain in the auditorium as well. We have “Notes” for older children at the Info Desk and a Mother Baby Room with video streaming.
Excited to Serve the Lord with you!
Children’s Ministry Admin Team:
Bobby Hamlett, Heather Harvey, Patty Patrick, Alyssa Ryan, Jeany Maccione, Lisa Durham
Please fill out a Child Registration Form before you check your child into a class. You may also do that when you arrive or online here.
Primary 1 (6-8yrs)
Preschool (3-5yrs)
Primary 2 (9-12 yrs)
Our Teachers
We are so grateful for our CM Team Teachers!
We require membership (through The Journey Class), CM Training and Safety Checks.
The CM Team members serve monthly (every 4-5 weeks). It is our goal to build a team that loves what they do and does not feel an “overwhelmed burden” but a joy.
We are always seeking to grow the CM Team. If you seek to serve, please see any of the CM Admin Team or Inquire Here.
Serving with the CM Team is a great way to carry the Word of God to the next generation, build relationships, and serve with the body of Christ! INQUIRE HERE
When do children's classes start?
Trinity's children's classes meet during the Sunday service. The NURSERY is open for babies and toddlers at 9:55am. At the break, between our time of worship in music and the preaching of God's Word, you will have time to check your children into their preschool and elementary classes, which are located in classrooms off the Lobby.
What does Trinity do to ensure the safety of my children?
Parent/child lanyard tag system - only parent with matching lanyard tag may pick up child.
Background checks required for ALL teachers.
Training for all teachers & assistants.
Where are the children’s classrooms located?
Trinity's classrooms are located off the Lobby area and North end of the building.
Nursery (0-2yrs) - Nursery Room
Preschool (3-5yrs) - Narnia Room
1st-3rd Class (6-8yrs) - Chart Room
4th-6th Class (9-12yrs) - Gathering Room
Each Sunday our children are learning from God’s Word. In 2023 we began using the The Biggest Story Curriculum. The key components of each class are:
The Word of God read and explained (see video on this page)
Discussion Groups
Interacting with our Bibles and learning scripture.
Activities that connect the lesson to our hearts & minds.
The Gospel Connection! How all of the Bible points to Christ.
New City Catechism
We love The New City Catechism.
This catechism is a modern-day resource aimed at helping children and adults alike learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith via 52 questions and answers.
Read more about this wonderful resource at
It is our desire to support every parent as they lead their children to know our great God!